Monday, May 21, 2007

Fundraising for Raleigh International Sabah Summer 07 Programme

Raleigh International is a UK-based youth development charity, which inspires people from all backgrounds and nationalities to discover their full potential by working together on challenging adventure, environmental and community projects around the world. Each year, over a thousand young people from all over the world volunteers on meaningful community, environmental and adventure projects run by Raleigh International. Expedition countries include Ghana, Costa Rica & Nicaragua, Chile and Malaysia. Anyone between the ages of 17-25 can apply for a Raleigh International Expedition.

Environmental Phrase

Adventure Phrase

Community Phrase

Your generous support and contribution will advance towards the important community work that I am working to realize. I appreciate your understanding and support in my coming fundraising projects.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information at the following numbers - CK at 012-385 2051 OR 03-4045 5126.

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